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What is neuromarketing website design?

 What is neuromarketing website design?
By Jitendra Sahoo • 21 Jun, 2022

How do you do all this cool stuff on your website? What are some of the best ways to improve your website, to optimize your SEO (SEO)? , we will discuss some of the most interesting things about online marketing, such as neuromarketing. Do you have a good website design website that will help you to make the most of your website?

What is neuromarketing website design prices?

Simply put, neuromarketing is one of the most important techniques in your life, and it is important to keep in mind that it is possible. There is no such thing as a good business, but it is one of the most important business processes in the world. Tangible web design is of the greatest concern. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The use of neuromarketing can be given in many different manners. Think about the largest possible number of orders placed in each web shop. So neuromarketing can also be indicated if this occurs because the client attaches the order process. Therefore, the right way to pass on neuromarketing is to ensure that this is the case in the long term and that the structure of the business is maintained with the online business.

Wat is neuromarketing website design

Conversion optimization is crucial

Nowadays we still see many parties who do not choose to apply conversion optimization and neuromarketing website design to their webshop or website. It is mainly the larger players such as Coolblue and Bol.com that started this years ago. By applying certain strategies from psychology in their marketing campaigns, these parties ensured that their conversion rate could be increased by several percent. Perhaps not impressive at first glance, but for such parties it quickly saves several million euros in turnover. But is conversion optimization also important for smaller webshops or websites? We can be very clear about that!

Minimize barriers for visitors

The mindset of consumers today is very different from 20 years ago. Even in the last 10 years a lot has changed in the mindset of consumers. Buying a product online or taking out a certain service is now the most normal thing in the world. However, you should keep in mind that potential customers may still face certain barriers. To guarantee optimal conversion, it is crucial to minimize these thresholds. For existing websites and webshops, it is important to take into account that conversion optimization is a continuous process that you are never really done with. Optimizing the conversion and design of neuromarketing website design is always done by taking into account the following points:

  • Analyzes that are performed;
  • Collect insights;
  • The paths visitors should follow;
  • So-called best practices
  • heat maps;

Do you also believe that the number of conversions in your webshop or website can be improved? In that case, the tips below can certainly help you.

Avoid mental exhaustion

In the first instance, it is very important to properly analyze the decision process that visitors go through on your webshop or website. During various stages of this process, it is possible that visitors to your website may experience mental exhaustion. When the so-called workload becomes too high, it is possible that confusion arises in the decision-making of your potential customers. This can cause them to drop out. This is of course painful, because the hardest work, namely getting potential customers to your website or webshop and convincing them to buy something from you, has already been done. Fortunately, it is possible to prevent mental exhaustion in several ways, namely:

Limit the number of choices to be made

Mental exhaustion can already occur the moment potential customers land on the homepage of your webshop or website. When there are a huge number of categories or menu items, your website visitors quickly lose the overview. Merging categories and creating subcategories can significantly limit the number of choices to be made. This may require an extra click, but in practice this does not outweigh the risk of mental exhaustion.

neuro website design

Create clarity

Have you chosen to divide the many products that are part of the range in your online store into categories and subcategories? Then it is important to create recognition. This can be done very easily by placing an icon per category, for example. This prevents your customers from having to search for the right part for too long.

Keep it simple!

When your customers are urged to fill out an order or contact form, its important to avoid negative emotions. Preventing negative emotions through neuromarketing website design is only possible if you keep the design of your webshop or website as simple as possible. For example, make sure that forms to be completed do not take longer than necessary. In addition, try to find an optimal balance between the information your company really needs and the effort that customers have to make to provide you with this information. It can also be worthwhile to help customers by having some data filled in automatically (for example, address data based on zip code).

Pay attention to the look and feel of the ordering process. Make sure that the purchase process does not become a boring intention. For example, let an image of the chosen product scroll along. In this way, the customer is reminded during the entire ordering process of the fantastic product that he or she will receive after completing the order. Moreover, in this way a little more dynamics is implemented in the website.

Not quite sure yourself?

Despite applying the above tips, are you still not quite able to figure it out? No problem, Webfluencer is a professional party that helps to optimize the conversion of your website, using neuromarketing website and webshop design and all kinds of other marketing and design techniques. For questions or more information it is of course always possible to contact us. Ask your questions by phone or e-mail. We are happy to help you.