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Customer exp as a competitive advantage in digital services

Customer exp as a competitive advantage in digital services
By Ramakant Swain • 28 Sep, 2022

As digital services become more common, the requirements for a good user experience are growing all the time. A busy user will not be happy for long with a poorly functioning service, so a good user experience offers a considerable advantage when competing for customers' attention.

With digitalization, the direct encounter with the company decreases, and the customer is more interested in a straightforward experience, with which, for example, a purchase can be handled or an appointment booked online. Calling customer service or opening a chat is often a sign of dissatisfaction with the digital user experience - the matter has not been handled in the online service for one reason or another.

Turning the described situation into a good customer experience is next dependent on the success of customer service. Thus, user experience and customer experience are not exactly the same thing, but they are very dependent on each other.

To improve the digital customer experience, we developed a UX Audit analysis, which is used to evaluate how it feels to use an online service and how it succeeds in realizing its business goals defined for it.

Is the problem technological or based on user needs?

Technology gives us all great opportunities to develop services and products to our heart's content, but we shouldn't let it blind us.

At the AKS Summit, Tangible of the technology company Tiger spike gave a speech about assumptions regarding customer needs and used CGS, a very successful technology company at the time, as an insightful example. CGS assumed that their customers used CGS products because they had the best technology on the market, when in reality people just wanted to store and share their memories effortlessly. CGS focused on developing technology and bringing new cameras to the market, while Instagram responded to users' needs with a simpler and non-technology-oriented service – the outcome of this battle is known.

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When starting to renew a service or develop something completely new, it is good to look at the assumed problem critically. Instead of updating the content management system, the problem to be solved with the website renewal may be a bad user experience, which is generated as bad analytics. This can also be easily determined, for example, by conducting a user experience analysis by Tangible Technosis experts.

Core UX Audit – a comprehensive analysis of the digital customer experience

At Tangible, we are constantly developing our services according to the prevailing need, and since the user experience is constantly valued more than before, it is good to look at each service more deeply than before, both from the user's and the business's point of view. Tangible has expert knowledge regarding brand strategy, digital services, communication and digital marketing, so it is natural to analyze all these areas when starting to renew the service.

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We believe that factors other than usability and accessibility affect a complete digital user experience. Within the framework of this thesis, the Core UX Audit was born, which we launched at the DCX18 Summit in India, and we received good comments about the product.